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Sharing Islam, Sharing Peace

As you are all well aware, Islamophobia is rampant and ignorance of our beautiful faith is prevalent. It is important for the Muslim community to project a voice of reason, a voice of peace and invitation to chair. We would not be able to fulfill the above stated objectives without the help of Allah (SWT) and supporters like you. 

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“…the Quran was revealed as a guide for humanity with clear proofs of guidance and the standard to distinguish between right and wrong…” (Quran 2:185)

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“Invite all to the Way of your Lord with wisdom and kind advice, and only debate with them in the best manner…” (Quran 16:125)

“Convey to others (about Islam), even if it be one verse.” Tirmidhi

 Please support the Quran Campaign and help us reach out with the beautiful message of the Quran to at least 1 million fellow Americans, insha Allah.

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 Did You Know?

Those who know a Muslim are twice as likely to be favorable towards Muslims than those who do not!

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Adopt a Zip Code Campaign

Sponsor Quran-themed postcards directly to people’s homes


Sponsor the card below to any zip code in the US:

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Fill out this form and we will send the post cards on your behalf insha Allah. Minimum donation for each zip code is $1000.

Adopt a Zip Code Now
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